#I accidentally went on a rant
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tagidearte · 6 months ago
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(Can't do digital art again yet. Traditional has been fun, though. Click for not blurry quality)
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pompomchihuahua · 2 months ago
So, I've seen a Twitter thread making the rounds about Yuichirou being in the right for not trusting Amane which you can read here. Overall, I think it nicely covered why Yuichirou was so "mean" to her: a strange woman shows up at their home trying to recruit two vulnerable 11-year-old boys who just lost their parents. She starts talking about demons and them being descended from swordsmen and being able to save people and in Muichirou's hopeful little heart it strikes a chord.
But Yuichirou says that he's certain she's just going to use them, that she's plotting something, which, from a story telling perspective, is an interesting seed to plant in the viewers mind.
What I mainly want to focus on in this thread is Kagaya Ubuyashiki, as he is the one who ultimately sends Amane to recruit the Tokitou twins (though, yes, she is complicit in the recruitment of child soldiers. The average age of soldiers in 1912 Japan was 17-20 not 11).
Putting aside that he ends up recruiting Muichirou anyway after he's made almost impossibly more vulnerable (just lost his last remaining family, critically injured, just lost his memories and also, once again, an 11 year old CHILD being coerced by an adult into fighting mythical monsters) Kagaya has a way of appearing to the Hashira at their most vulnerable moments to recruit them (aside from Rengoku who was basically born and raised into the role which is a whole other can of worms).
Another thing I'd like to point out is the cruelty and impracticality of final selection, something that is exemplified perfectly with Sabito. How many slayers with the potential to do something great's lives were wasted in final selection? Considering the sheer amount that goes in and how few come out and the lack of any kind of age limit, I'm going to guess quite a few. Why exactly is the system set up like this?
They essentially set up a demon buffet featuring children as the main course. Did they know about the demon growing out of control on the final selection grounds? Most likely, and if not that's highly irresponsible to not at least monitor your supposed testing grounds.
Why not have them fight against other, higher-level slayers? If they fail the test, they'd be sent back into training or dismissed entirely instead of just... killed. And Ubuyashiki seems fine with this! And I'm truly curious- he mentions memorizing the names of every slayer that dies in the line of duty, but does that include the dozens of people that don't even get to become official slayers because they die in the very baffling final selection meat grinder?
I'm getting off track.
What I mean is that Ubuyashiki is shown to have questionable moral decision-making when it comes to the pursuit of defeating Muzan: it seems his goal is to kill Muzan at all costs.
Later, Muzan says this: "That schemer! Like a viper, his rage and hatred toward me... was coiling inside his pitch-black heart!"
As the viewer we're, of course, meant to take this with a grain of salt. We know Ubuyashiki didn't have a "pitch-black heart," but I think there's a grain of truth to be found in Ubuyashiki harboring rage and hatred toward Muzan.
We know the reason the Ubuyashiki clan started to hunt Muzan in the first place was to save themselves from the curse (and along the way I think they genuinely believed it was for the greater good as well).
But I think it sets Ubuyashiki up as the perfect morally ambiguous foil to Muzan. Yes, he is supposed to represent humanity, but what is more human than the endless moral struggle between the greater good and what's right for the individual? Ubuyashiki points out that in the thousands of years of Muzan's existence, the corps has never been wiped out but this is because the corps inherently preys on those who are at their most vulnerable. It is built on the back of tragedy.
Everything down to even just their life span is meant to be equal but opposite from Muzan's immortality to the Ubuyashiki's ephemeral life spans. Even their clothing choice, with Muzan picking darker colors and Ubuyashiki clad in white. Muzan is beautiful and unmarred while Kagaya is consumed by the curse of their bloodline yet their appearance is described as "twin-like" in the Kimetsu extras. Yet they are also equal, once again returning to their supposedly identical features, they both have a tendency to appear to those that serve them at their most vulnerable.
This is not a "Kagaya is evil" post at the end of the day. This is a "Kagaya is not a morally pure character and that's a good thing" post. And, I think, had the author had more time, they would have explored this fully. We all know the ending was a tad bit rushed due to the author having a family emergency and I will never blame them for that, but just looking at the story they built even on that time crunch I can only imagine they narrative they could have built given unlimited time.
I feel like they could have explored Kagaya's character more which they set up as being Muzan's equal but opposite: equally scheming but thankfully on humanity's side. He had empathy for the children, yes, but he still, at the end of the day, used people at their most vulnerable to do what he couldn't on his own.
And I didn't even get to START on the implications of his magical "voice" and foresight powers, but this post is already so long that I'm gonna end it here.
TLDR: Ubuyashiki is so much more complex than your stock "Greater good" character. He's Muzan's equal but opposite force, conniving but empathetic, morally ambiguous. Had the author had more time, I feel this would have been explored in more depth.
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Wake up, BurningCheese/GoldenSpice babes, new poorly drawn blorbos just dropped
They look cooler in my head, I swear.
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the images didn't show up the first time wtf lol
The kids are finally here, yay. I promised I'd show you them, and I finally stopped being an asshole and followed through. Almost got 200 followers and I'm very grateful for it - really, I'm nobody. I'm just some clown who says dumb stuff and makes dumb memes and writes cringey stories, and yet I convinced almost 200 people to tune in. Thank you all so much, users on here and anons in my inbox alike. As a token of appreciation, you can all endure my rambling about my OCs and witness a person in their early 20s draw like a 12 year old.
The boy is Pepper Jack (or Pepper Jack Cookie). He's the firstborn and older than his sister by a few years. He takes after his mother in a lot of ways, primarily in her appearance (save for nabbing his father's red eyes). He's incredibly bright (and a smartass lol), preferring to think his way out of conflict rather than fight his way out... not that he's above violence at all, if that glaive doesn't give it away lol. He harbors a deep sense of love and loyalty towards his family and his peoples, and carries the weight of his responsibilities and heritage with as much confidence and poise as he can muster. (There are/will be times where he stumbles, of course. He's not perfect. He struggles a lot more than he lets on, really. But he tries his best, for everyone's sake.)
The girl is Matar Paneer (or Matar Paneer Cookie). Again, she's the younger one by a few years. She was all but made in her father's image, save for inheriting her mother's eyes. She's a little firecracker: lively and fun-loving and stubborn as a mule. She doesn't ask "can I have/do this thing", she tells you "I'm going to have/do this thing". Golden is proud as anything to see her daughter be so greedy... until that greed comes into conflict with her and Spice's authority lol. But she's a good kid, despite being such a handful. She has an enormous heart and is not afraid to stand up for others/what's right, and she loves her parents and brother more than anything in the world. She might doubt her own capabilities, she might secretly fear that she's not strong enough to do what she needs to... but she keeps pushing anyway, because she'd honestly choose death over quitting.
Your eyes are not deceiving you, Pepper Jack's wings are blue lol. There's an actual reason for that. And that USO (Unidentified Sitting Object) in Matar Paneer's hair is a lotus (the cheese one in the GCK decor set lol). There's a reason for that, too. I thought it would be cool to give Jack a glaive and swap out the normal blade for that of a khopesh sword (glaives are not Egyptian, they only saw use in Asia and Europe, but I just HAD to give him a glaive), to add that Egyptian touch. Paneer's supposed to be wearing a pattu pavadai, it's a traditional Indian dress for young girls. It's a blouse plus a skirt. She's holding katar, Indian knives (Cilantro Cobra has them, too). And her hair's supposed to be in a low ponytail.
Merchant thinks that if they explain what their terrible drawings are supposed to convey, people will understand their intended vision and the pain will stop
I sat down and did research into both Egyptian and Hindu mythology for the sake of drawing inspiration for them both. I'll explain in detail in another post, but basically: both of them take after one Egyptian god and one Hindu god each. Golden takes after Ra and Spice takes after Shiva, so I figured I'd follow along that line.
Please flood my inbox with questions about them now. I've really been dying to talk about them for ages now. I've drafted extensive character sheets for them both, I even made up in-game descriptions for them lol. They're my little fankid blorbos and I love them :') I hope you all come to love them, too
(Also, I'm sorry they're on lined paper. I'm visiting family rn and that's the only paper my grandmother has in her house. I'd have to drive to a stationery to get printer paper and I'd really rather not drive in this particular country lol (shit roads, even shittier drivers). I'll doodle them on printer paper whenever somebody remembers to bring me some)
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koterkot · 2 months ago
i'm probably a system but i have a job so idrc about that rn
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overdevelopedglasses · 4 months ago
Why is having a squish/friend crush so nerve wracking and difficult but also kind of a breeze bc it's not romantic
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wof-reworked · 1 year ago
I’ve been thinking, and I think I’m going to change the way I talk about my headcanons and wof writing to something like a rewrite/reworking. I love wof but it’s become really apparent that the way I engage with it is really more as a world to expand and work in vs a book series I’m analyzing as-is. I think it’ll give me the freedom to actually post the stuff I’m thinking and working on bc I don’t have to keep chaining myself to making it work with all the confusing and contradictory canon tidbits that Tui barely remembers she established. Thoughts?
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fakezircon · 9 months ago
sent here by max. head shoulders knees and toes???
Shit my damn ublock filters got rid of my inbox button again
"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" is a nursery rhyme that in Canada (and other places but I am only so worldly) is often sung to the tune of "London Bridge is Falling Down" However! There is another tune it is sung to by the name of "There's a Tavern in the Town" which is the version I know it by.
I have yet to find anyone else who sings it exactly the same way I do. Essentially this concerns the second to last line of the song which everyone else has told me goes: "eyes and ears and mouth and nose" (or "eyes, ears, mouth and nose" in the LBFD version). This is at odds with the way I have always remembered it: "eyes, ears, nose, mouth, ankles and elbows"
At this point I have been at a loss for corroborating evidence for my version for so long that I am tempted to say I just made it up myself as a kid? (the "eyes and ears and mouth and nose" line does not fit the structure of the song as well as "my" version, something that would've deeply incensed me as a child) The reason I hesitate to just say that and be done with this whole mystery is that I can vividly remember getting annoyed with the motions to the song, specifically around that line, because it involved a lot of movement to reach from your mouth to your ankles then back up again.
There's no conclusion to this, maybe somewhere out there a music teacher was teaching this to my kindergarten class only or maybe I just got mad at the song structure and sought to better it myself.
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rowan-ashtree · 1 day ago
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localplaguenurse · 10 months ago
Listen he's not my flavour personally but I'm gonna be salty that Nick Valentine isn't romanceable but Preston Garvey is
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lowkey-loki245 · 3 months ago
Okay, in the 2nd chapter of "A Magician's Assistant", I have this thing going one where it shows 3 days (with some time in between each) where Leo tries to make up for Hypno and Warren helping him out, and on the 3rd day, that's when Hypno gets it through his thick skull that he doesn't owe them anything (Leo believes he owes them because in the Prison Dimension, if he wanted something good, aka a break from being beaten the shit out of, he had to "earn" it (aka whatever you come up with cause personalized angst is the best angst). He now has a hard time believing it when people do something nice for him for no reason).
The thing is, on each day, they hang out at some place that leads to Leo trying to make things up to them. First one was Run of the Mill, where Leo bought them pizza. 2nd one was in the Hidden City where they were having First Friday (I just wanted to add First Friday cause I have nice memories of it). Leo bought Hypno some new metal rings despite the fact that he wouldn't be able to get the magic prop hat he wanted (they were the same price and I'm weirdly emotional about it). Now, I have no clue where to send them this time, so could y'all help me out on this? (Somewhere Leo could hurt his foot, though, cause his foot, that's in a cast, is a metaphor for his healing journey.)
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badxwolf · 1 year ago
Thank you to everyone who draws Thirteen in button down shirts your art is canon to me
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ssaseaprince · 2 years ago
Oh yeah, I've gotten so much better at not getting upset about what people say on the internet...
... unless it's someone saying Heath Ledger killed himself because he went insane from playing the Joker.
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dnalt-d2 · 10 months ago
Guys don't be a writer
Don't do it
One day you're gonna use a figure from mythology/religion as a secondary character in your story thinking he's nothing but a basic bitch practically nameless guy and then one day when you try to make a ranking system you'll find out that actually that character represents your zodiac sign in some circles, then in an effort to clarify what the hell happened there you'll find out he has another name that denotes that he's a SUPER big deal and also has another-nother name that's EXACTLY the same as your online pen-name and then that their power somehow perfectly fits the power system you've made for this story and then randomly you'll also find out that someone else used this character as the base for a DC character (Yes the comics) and you'll basically find some of that information in one night and then the rest over the next three years after the initial discovery and then one night three years later you'll find out something new about it that says that the original name you picked is actually this other big-name guy who's the entire leader of a rank that you ignored initially when making said ranking system and
I'm fucking spiraling guys
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gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year ago
the other week my dad’s aunts(sisters of his dad, who died before i was born) came to visit and it was aunt jan who’s like 79 and a democrat and lives in california and aunt karen who’s like 84 and a republican and lives in idaho. and they had driven across the country in aunt jan’s subaru with the “make america kind again” bumper sticker and aunt karen told a story about how when she was 20 years old she was supposed to go grocery shopping and when she got to the grocery store she parked next to another car that was the same make and model as hers and that person’s groceries were already inside their vehicle just sitting there and she tried her key on their car and it worked so she simply stole their groceries out of there, re-locked their car, and used the money she had planned to spend on groceries to go bowling instead
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theogony · 1 year ago
every few days it's like. i'm living normally until suddenly rosencrantz and guildenstern hit me with their tragedy and i'm thinking about coins. anyway
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astolfofo · 2 years ago
yo wtf is going on in bsd season 3 im so confused
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